Having re-branded their logo and marketing material, Airborne Fit conscripted Infotex into its ranks to revamp its digital offering. Succinct simplicity and ease of use were essentials, along with a look and feel spearheaded by a series of stylish, monochrome photographs.
With several of the Infotex team already members/disciples of Airborne Fit, we had first-hand knowledge of what elevates this unique fitness brand far above the usual gym class fare. Working closely with Luke and his team throughout the development and web build, we were able to ensure the website aligned directly with Airborne’s singular vision of ‘fitter, faster, stronger, together’.
Luke Read – Airborne Fit
There was no shortage of new photography and video for the website, enabling us to create an energetic site that really showcases the Airborne brand, its community and the core “Fitter, Faster, Stronger, Together” message.
Visit www.airbornefit.com
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